

Kingsland Elementary School’s mission is to provide all students a challenging academic program in a nurturing environment that equips them with fundamental skills for lifelong success.


Kingsland Elementary School will prepare all students to achieve academic excellence and become life-long learners.

KES Beliefs

We Believe…..

  • In a safe and secure school environment is essential to academic achievement.

  • In a strong partnership of teachers, parents and community is necessary for the success of our students.

  • That teachers will utilize a collection of achievement data when planning academic instructions.

  • That literacy is the foundation of a child’s education and will be integrated in all curricular areas, as well as encouraged at home.

  • Academic instruction includes the effective use of technology to enhance student learning.

  • Instructional activities will embrace individual differences and learning styles.

  • Students should be provided with opportunities to explore, recognize, and develop individual talents.

  • Rigorous math and science instruction enables students to succeed in today’s competitive world.

  • That an environment which fosters dignity and self-confidence enables students to set high personal goals and achieve them.